
Activities for Kids without Breaking the Bank

Activities for kids

Finding activities for kids without breaking the bank is not as hard as one may think. There are many places that offer free or close-to-free activities to help entertain your kiddies. Being a Stay-at-Home Mom living on one income in a dual income society is not easy, but it is possible. I have gathered a list of activities to help you save money on entertainment and hopefully trigger some ideas for your next outing.

Library Resources: Check out your local library to see what events they are hosting that month. The library is not only for checking out books. Many have a children’s section where they have weekly Nursery Rhyme and story times. They usually classify them by age group so you can see what’s appropriate for your kids.

Local Museums: Find Museums in your local area that allow you to enter for free on certain days or possibly all the time (with a small donation). This is a great way to not only entertain your kids but educate them as well.

Local Parks: Weather permitting this is a super easy and free activity. I like to change it up and go to different parks in the area to keep things exciting for Daniel. This is a great way for him (and I!) to stay active.

Local Mall: For days that the weather is not the greatest, many Malls have indoor play areas that are free. Kids can not only play but learn to socialize with other kids as well.

Barnes & Noble: If you are lucky enough to have a Barnes & Noble near you, this is another great activity to do with your kids. Call them up or check out their website to ask about their free story time. My favorite part is I get to enjoy a nice warm coffee while my little one is involved in story time!

The Home Depot: Once a month, The Home Depot hosts a Kids workshop for free! What’s awesome about this is your child not only gets to keep the item they’ve built but they also   receive a certificate of achievement, their own orange apron and a commemorative pin. This is also a great one for Dad and Daniel time so Mama can get some well needed Mom time.

Michaels Kids Crafts: Help your child discover their creativity with Michaels Kids crafts. Your kids get to have fun while you shop. The programs range from $2-$5 per child (ages 3+) and all supplies are included.

Plant a Garden:  Whether you have a nice spot for gardening or just a container for potting, buy some seeds and plant some flowers or vegetables with your kids. They can help with the daily watering which will keep them entertain as well as teach them responsibility.

Feed the Ducks: Go to your local pond and feed the ducks (If the location allows this). Daniel LOVES animals so he really enjoys throwing the food and watching all the ducks come over to us. While you’re there keep your little one active and walk around the pond a few times, blow some bubbles or bring their tricycle.


***I hope you found this list helpful. Please share any additional ideas you may have on ways to entertain your kids without breaking the bank!***

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