If you’re looking for new and exciting games to play with your toddlers for Family game night then these options are perfect for you. Family game night is the perfect way to disconnect from the outside world and spend quality time with the people who matter most. Having an at home game stash has never been more essential than now with all of us stuck at home. It’s a fun option to have an exciting night with smiles, laughter and a little healthy competition right in the comfort of your own home.
These games are not only fun but educational as well. There are a lot of important things kids can learn through playing games even at a young age. Some of which are tactile skills, sharing skills and taking turns.
In our house we try to incorporate game night every Friday. It’s the perfect way to kick off the weekend and reconnect as a family. My kids are still young so games that aren’t too complex are perfect for us.
Game night is surely something we all look forward to. It’s mindless for us parents, the kids are contained in one central location and of course smiling from ear to ear as we are all enjoying the giggles.
Make things extra exciting by offering prize options for the winner and having a fun snack at the table like Popcorn or their favorite sweets to munch on during the game.
Go pop some popcorn and have a family Game-Night! I promise these games will bring out your inner kid and help keep your sanity as you watch your toddler stimulated and having fun. Try any of these affordable games for some indoor fun during these challenging times.
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Pop the Pig
Number of Players: 2-6 | Recommended age: 4+
This is a simple and fun game that kids of all ages will love. We played this game with my 1.5yr old and she too loved it (with close supervision, of course!). You roll a die and feed the pig. Once he has been fed, you push his head down and watch his belly get bigger and bigger with each pump. UNTIL…. HE POPS!!! The reactions on their face as his belly pops open was priceless. Not only is the game entertaining, it’s educational too. Teaches numbers, counting and colors! To learn more, click here.

Number of Players: 2+ | Recommended age: 4+
This was such a fun game for the whole family. It’s suspenseful and overall just a wild game. You take turns hanging fruit and jungle friends on the orangutan. I could feel their anticipation as each of them wondered whether their ‘fruit will be the one that makes the Oranagtang spring up and send the rest flying’? It’s quick pace allows you to continue playing several rounds until everyone in the family has won! To learn more, click here.

Gator Golf
Number of Players: 2-4 | Recommended age: 3+
Teach your little one all about a hole-in-one with this fun concept of putting the ball into the Gator’s mouth to score! Once the Gator ‘eats’ the ball, he will then toss the ball back to you for continuous golfing fun. The first player to score three points, wins!! This is our go-to game for rainy days inside. My son who is currently 3.5yrs old will start playing this one even by himself throughout the day. It’s great for developing motor skills and keeping the kids active and off the couch! To learn more, click here.

Banana Blast
Number of Players: 2-5 | Recommended age: 4+
Great game where all the players get a chance to pull bananas from the treetop until the Monkey jumps. This game is great because it keeps all the kids engaged as everyone gets a shot at catching the monkey. Perfect for working on your little one’s hand-eye coordination and reflexes too! To learn more, click here.
Stacktopus Game
Number of Players: 2-3 | Recommended age: 5+
Change things up a bit and have some fun trying to stack cups with Octopus hands! The Stacktopus game is where players race to stack colored cups to match the designs on colorful cards while wearing three silly sea fingers and use only those fingers to grasp, hold and maneuver the cups. This game is perfect for sensory and tactile stimulation. To learn more, click here.
The Game Plan Game
Number of Players: 2-8 | Recommended age: 4-10
This game is geared towards more mature children as it is meant to spark conversations around safety and addresses those everyday teachable moments via a board game. With my oldest about to start school, this game was the perfect way to start having these conversations sooner than later. This game enables families to create a safe space to foster learning about topics such as personal safety, social skills, and good manners through an engaging play experience. I was shocked to see how curious my Son was about these topics. Some of the questions even address bullying, teasing, stranger danger and many other topics that are important for our children to understand. To learn more, click here.
Let’s Go Fishn’
Number of Players: 2-4 | Recommended age: 4+
What better way to kick off Summer than by going fishing!! This classic brings back so many fun childhood memories. Watch the excitement as your kids use their fishing pole to try to catch as many fish as they can. The fish are spinning around and around as their mouths open and close, so it’s the perfect game for hand eye coordination. Whoever gets the most fish, wins. To learn more, click here.
Hope you enjoy these game recommendations! Would love to know which ones you enjoyed.